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Result Upload

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The participation is voluntary. Only those who take up the challenge will have to submit their results.

For those not taking the challenge, you are deemed to have completed the walkathon after the walk at the Peak on 9 December 2023.

Individual Walking Award 

E-certificate will be given to individual who achieved designated goals!






120,000 Steps / 91 km

80,000 Steps / 61 km

50,000 Steps / 38 km

25,000 Steps / 19 km

10,000 Steps / 8 km

How to Count Steps

Participants can use the built-in pedometer app on their phone. However, as the built-in pedometer apps cannot accumulate steps, if participants wish to complete the challenge with accumulated steps, they may download our recommended app – “Pedometer & Step Counter”. Or use the built-in app, capture their step count daily, merge the screenshots to one document and submit it. Please be noted that all screenshots must show the date of the walk.

00:00 | Apple Built-in App

00:57 | Samsung Built-in App

01:44 | Suggested App - Pedometer & Step Counter

02:44 | Combine Screen Capture

Event and Results Upload Period: 9 - 17 December 2023

Global Challenge
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Reminders for Result Upload:

  • All screenshots must show the date of the walk.

  • All Screenshots must show in ONE Single file.

  • File type: jpeg, jpg, png, doc, pdf; file size should not exceed more than 5MB.

  • Google form requires users to log into their Google accounts in order to upload files to Google. If your group do not want to register a Google account,  Group Leader can send the results to our email, indicating: 1) Email Address of your Group Leader, 2) Your full name, 3) Ticket number and name for each result.

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***Participants please observe all local rules and regulations, pertaining to the containment of the pandemic and will not flout any laws pertaining to wearing masks, maintaining social distances, non-contact, observing the group gathering ban, and other such measures that may be put in place at all times.

It is expected all instructions to be followed and safety measures adhered to from time to time in the best interest of your health and event safety.

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