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Recommended Routes
for Walking Scheme

Here are the links for walking and hiking routes for you to start with:

Fitness Walking Tracks in 18 Districts (2018 Updated Version)

Hiking Trails and Family Walks

Safety Tips

Fitness Walking:

  1. As individual health and fitness conditions vary, the intensity, duration and frequency of the exercise you choose should match your capability.

  2. Walk consistently and persistently according to prescribed guidelines to make continuous progress towards achieving fitness goals. Those who do not exercise regularly should start fitness walking slow and easy, gradually building up the intensity, duration and frequency.

  3. If you are unable to walk according to the guidelines mentioned here, do not overexert yourself. Seek professional advice first. If you feel unwell or have any adverse reactions during or after walking, stop your training immediately and consult a doctor for help.

  4. Wear suitable leisure sportswear and footwear.

  5. Make sure you drink adequate water before, during and after fitness walking.

  6. Walk in environments with suitable temperature and humidity. Avoid those with extreme temperatures.

  7. Make sure you walk in venues that are safe and up to standard.


Fitness Walking. (2020, November 18). Retrieved from Fitness Walking - Introduction:


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